Christmas & New Year’s Wristbands

With only a few weeks to go before Christmas & New Year celebrations with the party season getting into full swing, it is worthwhile thinking of security at your event.

Tyvek wristbands provide a high visibility alert to staff whether they are security, bar or serving.

Most events & Christmas parties involving food & drink are not cheap & you need to identify easily the people you want there. Wristbands are an effective way to identify your patrons & what they are entitled to.

Coloured wristbands are easily seen & recognised, allowing staff fast ID of who is allowed what or entitled to access certain areas.

Tyvek wristbands are designed for single use & non transferability. Don’t pay for others. No wristband means No entry & helps eliminate gatecrashers.

Wristbands can be further enhanced by imprinting with your message or logo thereby linking the wristband directly to your company or event.

Wizid also has some generic Christmas & New Year designs which will also assist with security rather than use plain unprinted wristbands.

Help protect your revenue & expenses by using wristbands during the festive season.

Non Stretch Wristbands

If you require wristbands to be non-transferrable, the one element each wristband must have, is that it must be non-stretch. A second major feature is that it is tamper evident.

The most used wristbands are tyvek wristbands which are manufactured from DuPont’s tyvek which is a non-stretch spun bonded polyfin material. If you can stretch a wristband ( e.g. a silicone wristband ) & the material used in manufacture has a memory, that wristband is likely to be transferable & therefore is not a security wristband. Hospital ID bands & many plastic wristbands from Asia use PVC which has  a memory, will stretch & then regain their original shape & will not show evidence of tampering.

When security is important plastic wristbands & tri-laminate wristbands used by Wizid provide the necessary non stretch inner layer that becomes ruffled or tamper evident if attempts are made to stretch & transfer the wristband from one patron to another.

While the outer layers are made from softer plastics the inner layer or laminate are designed not to stretch, so the wristbands will snap or display evidence of tampering which can be picked up by security.

When applying wristbands, the fit should be close enough around the wrist to slide a finger easily under the wristband to allow comfortable movement but not enough to slide off the wrist without detection.

Wristbands don’t just break, more than likely it’s been the result of an attempt to transfer the wristband or horseplay between patrons.

Cheaper Tyvek Wristbands?

At Wizid, we occasionally receive requests for non-standard tyvek wristbands.

We have received requests for narrower tyvek wristbands around 12mm in width rather than the regular 19mm & 25mm widths.

These would need to be custom made & are really a false economy as the narrower bands would have a much smaller area of adhesive, which would make them much easier to remove & transfer.

If you are thinking this may be a cheap alternative wristband, you are running the risk of saving a minimum amount on each box of tyvek wristbands but losing revenue if your patrons leave your venue & then on sell to others at a discounted price, who then can enter your event.

This way both the entering & leaving patrons are cutting THEIR costs but you would be losing revenue, as the new patron would not be paying you for entry.

All tyvek wristbands have a tamper evident area designed to split & tear if someone tries to remove & transfer the wristband. It just stands to reason the wider the wristband, the harder it is to transfer & the better the security.