Archive for the ‘Wristbands’ Category

Why Use Wristbands At My Party?

Wristbands are a cheap and effective way to determine who has been invited to your party. With a increase in anti-social behavior, mobile phones and social media now make it easier for uninvited guests and gatecrashers to find your party.

While you may have done a great deal of preparation to make your party safe, even down to hiring security, wristbands make it easy for security to determine just who should be there. From across the room or yard you can see who’s wearing a wristband and entitled to be there.

No Wristband = No Entry

Wristbands can also be printed with party details or even designed with responsible party messages. These options are available in our “design your own wristband” section here

Wristbands are ideal even if you’re holding your party at a hotel, pub or club. It may be a shared venue or bar and while you’ve paid for food and drinks for your guests, the bar staff could be serving freeloaders your alcohol unless they can clearly identify your party patrons.

Wristbands provide a simple solution to ensure only your invited guests enjoy the party you’re paying for. For safe party tips download a party pack at

Tips on Tyvek Wristbands

Tyvek wristbands are more commonly used for identification and security. Tyvek wristbands are a standard length where one size fits most people, but what about the times when you need to put a wristband on a ginormous person & the tyvek wristband just won’t fit?

The solution is simple – just use two wristbands! Simply peel the non-adhesive tag off one wristband and then place the exposed adhesive area on the back of the other tyvek wristband to meet whatever length suits your requirements.

The same principle can apply when using tyvek wristbands for things like emergency dog ID or a quick animal ID where a longer size tag or wristband is required.

If you have any questions about tyvek wristbands or have a special requirement you’d like to use Tyvek bands for, please give the team at Wizid call on 1300 4 WIZID. If you’ve discovered or invented a unique use for Tyvek bands please email us and we’ll let everyone know about your genius ideas in our next blog!

Wristbands for Schools & Swimming

Did you know…
Wristbands are a requirement in water safety guidelines for unstructured aquatic activity used in NSW schools.

Students must complete a water safety challenge, and if they’re assessed as proficient they’re issued with a Blue tyvek wristband & allowed to participate in unstructured water activity. Students assessed as non proficient are issued with Yellow wristbands & are only allowed to participate in shallow water activities.



The water survival challenge is designed for student safety & any school child in the water without a wristband can be removed from the water.

In summary a BLUE wristband identifies a proficient swimmer & a YELLOW wristband is for a non proficient swimmer.

Wizid stocks both Blue & Yellow wristbands which may be customized to include the School name, logo or message or even that of a sponsor.

Please contact us for your wristband requirements & learn how wristbands can become a great profit centre for your school.